Thursday, March 31, 2011

VIP Member !I

If you're not a PRESTIGE VIP member yet I suggest you all to do so by texting "PRESTIGEVIP" to "91011". After becoming a VIP member you're entitled to special product alerts, events, New arrivals and discounts offered to VIP members ONLY.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Yesterday was a pretty busy day at the shop, as we're getting ready to make the summer transition which involves lots of markdowns and moving things around. But it was a great day after all, some old friends dropped by the shop to chat for a while and fill us in on their new and exciting projects they have going on.

Our first visitor was Milton, friend from many, many years. He used to work with us couple years ago before he decided Idaho really the place for him and moved to Salt Lake City, UT. We talked about some great things he's doing in UT and we brainstormed a little to hook up on future projects. He's also looking to make his way into SALEs for some major snowboarding companies in his area and I'm sure he's going to do great once he sets foot in the industry but PEOPLE be careful because he can sell you part of Eiffel Tower without you noticing!
Milton, we wish you the best in your new adventure and we'll be seeing you in Salt Lake April 1st!

Later during the day our good friend Drew dropped by the shop to say what up and talk to us about their new CD release coming up on the 25th of the current month. Drew was one of our first frequent customers when we first opened up back in 2006, so, now is our time to return the favor and show him and his band members some support. If you want to hear some good music as well I'll suggest you to mark the date on your calendar, iphone, droid, Mac or PC and come out for a great show by Madion Lights, promise you won't be disappointed, if you need more details the flyer is listed below, see you all there !


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hard Work Pays Off !

Like in any other Job, hard work does pays off, during the Holidays we ran a very successful incentive program along with our good homies from Orisue. And let me introduce you all to Braden our contest winner, getting laced by Orisue! He's been on board for around a year now and he pretty much runs the shop when we're not around. Next time you're in the shop and see Braden on the floor say hello and if you have any questions regarding fashion, he'll point you in the right direction.
So, the next time you set foot in your job be determined to be the best you can possibly can and I can guarantee you, your hard work will be rewarded, you can ask Braden if you don't believe me.